Saturday, February 11, 2012

An Award!

I got a nice surprise the other day. I found out that my blog had been given an award from Amanda over at: An Apple A Day. She is a friend of mine and always has the cutest posts about her life in the Big Apple with her hubs. How cool huh? I thought so anyways. It is called the:


The Liebster Blog Award is given to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. Hopefully this can help me get a few more than that ;)

Here are the rules:

1) Link back to the award-er.

2) Tell us who your 5 favorite up-and-coming blogs are (can be the award-er).

3) Post the award on your blog, and pass it on!

So here goes….I had a hard time choosing who to award:

Karen over at: My Crazy Life as a Hunters Wife 
This is a hilarious blog that will get you laughing as you read the experiences she has as a hunters wife. She also happens to be my mom but that makes the  posts even funnier to me. She also includes delicious recipes every now and then!

Mallory at: Pocket Meets Monday 
If you think you have seen amazing photography wait until you visit this site. Mallory is amazing and takes beautiful and unique photos that will just take your breath away. She also includes sweet posts about her family life showcasing her fun personality! I can’t wait until I can use her talent to photograph my family :)

Mom Screaming Inside is a heart wrenching blog that tells the story of a mothers struggle as she discovers her teenage son is using drugs…and goes through the experiences his family as they try to help him.

Lisa at Savvy and Sleek She has so many cute ideas ranging from crafts to make, recipes, family ideas etc. Currently she is posting ideas for a Valentines advent calendar of sorts with cute gifts that she gives her hubs and daughter each day. Her blog is definitely worth checking out!

Rachel at The Frakes' I just love her blog. She is such a cute momma! Not only can you read about her fun life as a stay at home mom you can check out her craft ideas and sewing projects. Also link to her etsy shop so you can check out the cute things she sells for little kiddos.

Well there you have it :) Happy Liebster Award to you!

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